Liberian Election: MacDella Cooper predicts victory for Boakai

Thu, Aug 31, 2023
By editor


By Anthony Isibor

MACDELLA Mackie Cooper, a top female politician in Liberia, says that only Joseph Boakai of the Unity Party can win the country’s presidential election holding in October this year.

Cooper told Realnews in an exclusive interview that Liberians are not pleased with the administration of President George Weah and cannot wait to kick him out of office through the ballot.

The former presidential candidate of The Movement for One Liberia, MOL, in the 2017 election and a foremost philanthropist, and women rights advocate also expressed confidence that only Joseph Boakai has the sincerity to unite Liberia with his national agenda.

She disclosed that Boakai had been fighting before the day he came into politics and will unify Liberia if given the chance.

“I know he will be the first to unify Liberia and with that one national identity, we can build one agenda.  And I know Boakai, has the power. I mean, he has a will because it’s all about will not just power. It’s about the will to do the right thing for this nation. And that is why we left even our interest to come behind him to support him.

“This is who we’re carrying, I’m supporting him because we want Weah out of here. Weah has never fulfilled any of the promises he made to this nation, he has brought our economy down to the gutters, while his economy went up; his personal economy went up.

“So why will we have a president who has no interest in us, but just for him to get rich. No, we’re not that abusive to ourselves. I’ve never been one to abuse myself or allow anyone else to abuse me and we’re not going to allow George Weah to do that,” she added.

Cooper also stated that the people’s choice can be seen in the very low turnout of the electorates in President Weah’s campaigns.

She alleged that President Weah today is paying people and using the national transportation buses to bring them to his headquarters to attend his campaigns as against 2017 where people came from miles and miles away to his campaign rallies. 

“People are not going to his rallies anymore; he had this thing called Grace Overhead, but today he’s a major disgrace in this country, in his leadership and I will never speak about our presidents like this, but the administration, his group around him are disgracing our country and in the region.

“We did a survey, the national polls and survey, and we see that Joseph Boakai has the numbers that would get him the win based on the national opinion surveys, not manipulated surveys. We run a realistic survey and so he has the numbers. We are at a 32% approval rating. Joseph Boachai is at a 45% approval rating.

“But of course, George Weah being the incumbent is going to do everything he can, he has the power to cheat greatly in the election on his side, but we’re too wise, we’re too smart, social media is still widely available, and so he’s not going to cheat us because if he makes an attempt at cheating, we would never allow that.

“So the only thing that George Weah is currently depending on is to rig the election. And has already started processing but we’re calling out everything they’re trying to do, and the new intelligence we just got was that they’re going to try to turn the internet call off on election day so that they can rig the election, and also use their paramilitary group to disrupt the peace in the country at certain polling stations in the interior so that people cannot go to vote, they’ve done it before, we had to go in and fight and deliver a woman who they were trying to cheat.

“We know their tactics, everything they have in their war-chest we know it because we have people who are on their side who are on our side and they’re whistleblowers and they’re telling us everything.

“We have people in government who are supporting us, we have people who are sending us not just support us with words, we’ve got men who are tired with this circus that is being ran as an administration. They are sending us money from the government side. That’s how bad things are in this country. And you would get too many people talking like me because I’m an independent person, I can say these things freely because I have no fear of this government and if they come against me, I will go against them as well, so they better watch out how they come after me, so that it will not be a ‘turn the other cheeks scenario, you punch me and I punch you back’.

“So to them, I say don’t try to cheat us in this election, we are working very hard, we are on your trail every day, we are working hard, we know what’s happening in the country, we are continuously doing surveys across the country. We continuously do surveys so we know where we stand

“We don’t have a chance of losing, we are the winners in this election and the ballot boxes will show that and if they keep playing around with us, we will keep counting the votes until we go back to another election.” she added. 


-Aug. 31, 2023 @ 18:13GMT |
