Man docked for allegedly stealing ram

Fri, Jul 6, 2018 | By publisher


THE police on Friday arraigned a 45-year-old man, Jibrilla Bello, at a Kubwa Grade 1 Area Court in Abuja for allegedly stealing a ram.

Bello was docked on charges bordering on criminal trespass and theft.

The Prosecutor, Mr John Okpa, told the court that one Lateef Adeyemi reported the matter at the Kubwa Police Station on June 30.

Okpa said the defendant criminally trespassed into the complainant’s house and stole a ram, valued N50, 000.

He said that the accused attempted to escape but was arrested with the ram.

The offences contravened Sections 346 and 287 of the Penal Code.

The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty.

The Judge, Abdulwahab Abdullahi, granted the accused N50, 000 bail with one surety in the like sum.

Abdullahi said that the surety must reside within the court’s jurisdiction.

He adjourned the case until Aug. 23 for hearing.


– July 6, 2018 @ 14:45 GMT |






