May 29: CSO scores Tinubu high on education, security, others

Mon, May 27, 2024
By editor


NIGERIA First, a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) has lauded the performance of President Bola Tinubu in some critical areas, as he celebrates his one year in office on May 29.

The Coordinator of the organisation, Mr Hamza Saulawa, said during a news conference in Abuja on Sunday, that Tinubu had shown rare commitment in the implementation of the Renewed Hope Agenda in education, security and housing.

Saulawa also scored Tinubu high in social safety programmes and anti-corruption.

He said that data collated through desk review, newspaper reports, magazine analysis, electronic media, social media, citizens’ delivery tracker, onsite visits, ministerial briefings among others, showed delivery on Tinubu’s campaign promises.

According to him, the gallant military troops under the command of Tinubu in just one year, have neutralised 9,303 terrorists/criminals.

”The troops have also degenerated kingpins such as Damina, Dangote, Kachalla, Azarailu, Boderi, and arrested 6,998 criminals, while 4,641 hostages were rescued.”

Saulawa said that in the 2024 Budget, the sum of N1.54 trillion was allocated to the education sector, making it one of the highest alongside defence and security sectors.

The coordinator said that no fewer than 22,500 teachers had been trained on digital literacy and remote learning across 16 states of the federation.

According to him, no fewer than 35,000 teachers across the country have been trained on the use of ICT in the classroom.

He added that 400 library staff have also been trained on ICT in library services and ICT equipment, for the production of digital content for all 36 states and the FCT.

He said besides signing the landmark Students Loan Act, the Tinubu administration through the ministry of education had granted scholarships to over 345 Nigerian scholars in foreign institutions under the Bilateral Education Agreement (BEA).

Saulawa said the administration had also facilitated the award of 51 scholarships to Commonwealth scholars under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Award (CSFA) as 2,122 postgraduate and undergraduate students benefited from the Nigerian Scholarship Award.

He said that scholarship was awarded to 145 Girl-Child in Government tertiary institutions under the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), while 16,000 students studying Education in both Universities and Colleges of Education benefited from Bursary awards.

The CSO leader said that the Tinubu’s administration established nine new Federal Science and Technical Colleges (FSTCs), 13 Federal Universities and six Federal Polytechnics and Federal Colleges of Education.

On the achievements in housing, Saulawa noted that 20,000 housing units would be constructed in the first phase of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Development at Karsana in FCT Abuja.

Saulawa said that the construction of 50,000 housing units by Tinubu’s administration will stimulate the economy by directly and indirectly creating jobs as well as accelerate Nigeria’s journey towards addressing housing deficit, and thus achieve goal 11 of the United Nations.

He said that the present administration had provided grants of N980, 095, 000 to support mortgage institutions and 3,000 persons benefited from mortgage loans, among others.

In the area of social security, Saulawa commended Tinubu for the N35,000 wage award to workers for six months as palliative over fuel subsidy removal.

He said the Cash Transfer of N25, 000 to 15 million of the poorest and vulnerable households for three months as palliative over fuel subsidy removal was equally commendable.

“The administration released 42,000 tonnes of grains for free distribution to the most vulnerable persons.

“We also acknowledge the disbursement of a N50 billion presidential conditional grant to traders, food vendors, artisans among others, who earn a living in the blue sector.

“Also, the establishment of Nigerian Consumer Credit Scheme with N100 billion as a take-off fund to deepen financial inclusion, and the implementation of Skill-Up Artisans (SUPA) to empower 10 million artisans are very commendable.

“We are happy that so far Mr President is Implementing his Renewed Hope Agenda faithfully and diligently.

“This in our opinion goes contrary to the entrenched tradition of some politicians who promised one thing before election and implemented another thing after election.

“We therefore, salute President Bola Tinubu’s courage to continue to stick to his manifesto in spite of the ill-founded criticism by some politicians and critics of the administration,” he said.

Sualawa said the president had done exceptionally well in the fight against corruption as some top government functionaries and party leaders were being investigated by the anti-graft agencies.

He described Tinubu as a reformer who took bold steps to implement the Oronsaye Report to cut down on the cost of governance. (NAN)


May 27, 2024
