Moon to take AstraZeneca vaccine ahead of G-7 summit

Mon, Mar 15, 2021
By editor


PRESIDENT Moon Jae-in of South Korea is scheduled to receive an AstraZeneca vaccine shot next week in preparation for participation in a Group of Seven (G-7) summit to be held in Britain.

Cheong Wa Dae announced this on Monday, as health authorities had decided to extend the use of the COVID-19 vaccine to the elderly.

In accordance with a related procedure drawn up by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), Moon and first lady Kim Jung-sook plan to take the vaccine in public on March 23, according to Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Kang Min-seok.

He stopped short of revealing the venue, citing presidential security protocol.

The KDCA, which is in charge of South Korea’s State vaccination program, is giving priority to Moon, 68, and Kim, 67, as they will require `essential’ foreign travel for the diplomatic event.

Britain has invited Moon to the multilateral session.

Some officials who will accompany Moon on the upcoming trip will also take the vaccine.

The AstraZeneca vaccine will be available for those aged 65 and older in South Korea starting on March 23, Kang said. (Yonhap/NAN)

– Mar. 15, 2021 @ 13:24 GMT
