Moves high for Air Peace local flights in S/Leone– Envoy

Sun, Jul 18, 2021
By editor


THE move for Nigerian Airliner, Air Peace, to begin domestic operations in Sierra Leone in nearing conclusion, Dr Solomon Gembeh, High Commissioner of Sierra Leone to Nigeria has said.

This is coming on the heels of the commencement in July of international flights between Lagos and Freetown, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.

In an interview with NAN, the Sierra Leonean Envoy said that he has been engaging with the Airliner for a long time even before the COVID-19 pandemic which delayed some of the set goals.

He said that having commenced the operation of direct international between both countries, the next move was to also begin operation of local flights.

“So, we have been making those overtures and it has now come to fruition culminating in the ambassador meeting our President Rt. Brid. Julius Bio, one of the most progressive leaders that Sierra Leone has ever known.

“So, Air Peace is not only going to be our major air carrier from Nigeria to Sierra Leone but internally.

“We used to have an internal air flight like you have here. You want to go anywhere there is a lot of competition for air flight, so it is Air Peace who is going to create the arrow head for that new venture.

“I think they will do good and it will open others to come and join Air Peace, so that creates a lot of opportunities.

“So, it helps a lot of business people. Time is money. So, this will be good for business, good for health reasons: if you have to do medical evacuation and other things; there is a multiplier effects, the cost and benefits is unimaginable,” he said.

The High Commissioner commended the newly appointed Nigerian Envoy to Sierra Leone, Henry Omaku, for putting finality to that move for the business relationship.

Gembeh added that the Airliner’s lawyer had been in frequent contact with the Sierra Leonean Embassy in Nigeria as part of moves to finalise the agreement.

He commended Air Peace for its contribution to the movement of Nigerians during the corona virus pandemic and also evacuation of Nigerians from South Africa during the xenophobic attacks.


– July 18, 2021 @ 16:48 GMT /
