Mrs Obiano: Compassionate is More Than A Personal Virtue

Sat, Nov 17, 2018 | By publisher


By C. Don Adinuba

As Chief Ebelechukwu Obiano, wife of Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State, receives on Saturday, November 17, 2018, an honorary doctoral degree from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, a lot of issues immediately come to the fore of modern social science research. Mrs Obiano has a well established reputation for passion. She is known for always being in solidarity with the poor, the dejected and marginalized in society. It is only natural that she is being rewarded for being exceedingly humane.

Compassion is no longer considered a personal virtue by social scientists. Only leaders regarded by their followers as caring are good enough. Leaders, whether in the private or public sector, must care about the larger society, and not just immediate profit and private acquisitions. Aristotle’s the common good is now a creed among social scientists. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has in the last few years become a major component of the curriculum in every management school around the world. Michael Porter of Harvard Business School, who became an iconographic figure by writing on business competitiveness, has turned attention to CSR, writing furiously and prodigiously on it. Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize winner in economics and the world’s most influential monetarist who argued that the only worthwhile CSR is that which increases shareholder value, is now considered a relic as far as the purpose of organizations is concerned.

Attention is now focused on stakeholders rather than stockholders. Stakeholders in an organization are not just investors but also workers, distributors, suppliers, the host community and the government which generates both personal and corporate income tax from the organization. It is a pity that most Nigerian universities have yet to adjust to the new thinking in management science.

Though CSR has such dimensions as environmental protection, ethical integrity and employee satisfaction, the most popular dimension in emerging nations is the dimension of giving back to society. This is probably because in some Third World communities such basic amenities as good roads and electricity are provided by multinational corporations in their operational areas as part of their CSR. As has frequently been stated by contemporary scholars, good neighborliness or being your brother’s keeper is good for business. Put succinctly, philanthropy   by organizations and individuals is imperative in today’s world.

On Sunday, April 15, as the Public Policy Analysis and Research Centre in Lagos led by Professor Jibril Aminu, a former senator, a former Minister of Education, a former Minister of Petroleum Resources and ex Nigeria’s ambassador to the United Nations, gave out its 2017 annual Zik Leadership Awards, Mrs Obiano was rewarded for humanitarian service.

Authentic Christians, in the finest tradition of the expression, must reflect godliness in their social relationships. In an era when some religious leaders are obsessed with outdated dogmas, it is imperative to call attention to the primacy in Christian theology of what Pope John Paul the Second popularized as solidarity with the human family.

Faith without good work is dead because the body without spirit is dead (James 2: 26). The Pharisees and Sadducees had faith, but did no good work. Jesus called them “a brood of vipers” (12: 34) because of their wickedness and hypocrisy. Christ asks, “If you hate your brother, how can you love whom you have never seen?” (1 John 4: 20).

On March 9, The Punch gave the touching account of how Mrs Obiano reunited a 72-year old woman from Umudioka, Awka, with her family 35 years after she was presumed dead because she disappeared completely from its radar. Mrs Rose Anene, a mother of five, was brought home from Lagos following mental health challenges and depression. She was later discovered in the streets and taken to the 77-bed Home for the Mentally Challenged at Nteje in Oyi Local Government Area.

On the day Mrs Anene was reunited with her family, Mrs Obiano, an expressive person, danced energetically for long with the poor widow and other members of the Anene family. She was obviously over the moon, probably her happiest day in life, as the television networks reported. It is worth noting that sixty two persons from such states as Edo, Ebonyi, Imo, Abia and Oyo, among others, have also been treated and fully recovered in this facility. Governor Obiano has dedicated his monthly salary since coming into office to CAFE.

It is not surprising that in the pantheon of Mrs Obiano’s heroes are such people as Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India, and Mary Slessor of Calabar, two women who gave up all the worldly pleasures to work tirelessly for the weakest in society, to dedicate themselves to victims of social, economic and cultural injustices, and to work totally for the emancipation of people in foreign lands.  The Scripture says in 15:13: “… there is no love greater than the fact that a man should lay down his life for the benefit of others”.

As Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University confers a doctorate on Mrs Ebelechukwu Obiano, millions of Ndi Anambra and other Nigerians rejoice with the First Family of Anambra State on this honour. Truly, His banner over us is love (Song of Solomon 2: 4).


C. Don Adinuba is Commissioner for Information & Public Enlightenment, Anambra State.

– Nov. 16, 2018 @ 4:45 GMT |


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