New Lagos Anglican Bishop urges Nigerians to return to God

Mon, Jul 30, 2018 | By publisher


Rt. Rev. Humphrey Olumakaiye on Monday formerly assumed office as the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Lagos (Anglican Communion) with a call on Nigerians to return to God.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Olumakaiye took over from Most Rev. Adebola Ademowo who was in 2000 elected Bishop of the Diocese of Lagos and Archbishop of Lagos Province.

In his inauguration and enthronement sermon at the Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina Lagos, Olumakaiye urged Nigerians to return to God for the country to overcome its challenges.

“We should go back to the ancient path of obedience, dignity of labour, honesty, fear of God, love and also being faithful to the things of God.

“By the time we walk on the path of righteousness, the beauty of holiness will be seen in our lives by everybody and the society will be better for everyone to live,” he said.

He urged Nigerians not to lose faith but to continue to pray for the country.

“We should continue to pray for this country, we should preach the undiluted gospel.

“We should live the talk and allow the light of God to illuminate the hearts of our leaders.

“When we have absolute faith in the words of the Lord, there will be a major change in the country.

“I believe that at the end of the tunnel there will be light, hope is not lost, we should have hope for the country, at the end of the day everybody will be happy.

“Leaders should lead the country in the path of righteousness, they should have the fear of God, they should shun greediness,’’ he said.

He also urged religious leaders to give room for the younger generation to take over the leadership of the country.

He said that the country did not move forward due to the recycling of old leaders that had ran out of ideas.

“They should try to give the younger generation a chance to use their talents for the development of this nation; some of our leaders are overspent and bereft of ideas.

“We need fresh brains, fresh ideas; we need people to move the country forward, enough of recycling bad leaders; it would not help the country to be great.

“We should believe in the younger generation,’’ he said.

Jul. 30, 2018 @ 18:45 GMT |
