NGO donates wheelchairs to 225 PWDs in Plateau, Nasarawa 

Wed, Aug 10, 2022
By editor

General News

A Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), ‘Beautiful Gate Handicapped People Center,’ has donated wheelchairs to 225 Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs).

The News Agency of Nigeria ( NAN) reports that the beneficiaries were drawn from Shendam, Jos North and Kokona Local Government Areas of Plateau and Nasarawa States, respectively.

Ms Sandra Yilgwan, the Media Officer of the organisation said in a statement in Jos that the wheelchairs were presented to the beneficiaries on Saturday.

According to Yilgwan,  the wheelchairs were presented to the beneficiaries by Mr Ayuba Gufwan,  the Executive Director and Founder of the centre at separate ceremonies.

Gufwan, who is also a polio survivor said that the gesture was to alleviate the sufferings of the beneficiaries.

He added that the wheelchairs would enable them to move around with relative ease and attain their full potentials.

”Our belief is that disability is not a death sentence but an obstacle waiting to be overcome.

”This is why we try everything within our powers to support victims of polio in whatever way we can.

”I was five years old when I came down with polio; that had affected my education and other potentials until help of this nature came my way.

”So, today, we are donating wheelchairs to these polio survivors to enable them overcome their challenges with ease,” he said.

Gufwan added that the wheelchairs would enable the victims to move around in search of greener pasture and become useful to themselves, families and the society as a whole.

”I want to advise the beneficiaries to use these wheelchairs to go to school, learn handiwork or open up businesses that will be beneficial to themselves and the society.

”I am what I am today because I got help from someone, and so these beneficiaries can use this support to make ends meet,” he said.

Alhaji Awulu Adamu, the chairman of Kokona local government council thanked the organisation for the gesture, adding that it would enhance the living standard of the beneficiaries.

He said, ”the wheelchairs would remove many of the polio victims from street begging into meaningful ventures.” (NAN)

