Nigeria records tremendous progress in fight against coronavirus pandemic - Mustapha

Wed, Mar 24, 2021
By editor


By Benprince Ezeh

BOSS Mustapha, the chairman of the Presidential Task Force, PTF, has said that one year ago, exactly 21st March 2020, a total lockdown was declared by the government in some parts of the country due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In the past year, the socio-economic impact on us cannot be underestimated. Many people lost their livelihood and many people lost loved ones.

Speaking at the PTF briefing on Covid-19 on Monday, March 22, 2021, Mustapha noted that Nigeria has in the last few weeks recorded tremendous progress in the fight against the ravaging coronavirus pandemic, which has crippled social-economic activities of many. The fight against the covid-19 pandemic has not only brought us together as a nation, but has thought us that if we unite against a single enemy, victory becomes assured.

According to him, Nigeria recorded the lowest number of cases so far this year. We have also seen a decline in cases in the high burden countries around the African region.

He, however, urged Nigerians to continue to adhere to the covid-19 protocols as the fight against the deadly virus is not over yet.

“This does not call for us to lower our guards as the virus is still potent and virulent.  This is the right time to adhere to the full compliance of the NPIs and be vaccinated.

“Situations around the world now show some increase in cases, especially in the Americas, Europe, and East Mediterranean regions, which suggest that they could be the third wave, further affirms that non-compliance with COVID-19 regulations and growing evidence of vaccine hesitancy could endanger millions of lives.

“Last Friday, I participated in the sensitization meeting of the Muslim scholars and Imams on COVID-19 vaccination rollout organized by the NPHCDA in collaboration with the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, NSCIA, where we urged the leadership of the Muslim Ummah to mobilize and educate their adherents to take the vaccines, because it is safe and efficacious,” he said.

Mustapha promised that a platform will be created to ensure that Nigerians are carried along in how the vaccine is managed.

“The PTF will keep you posted with the number of persons vaccinated so far in as much as our record shows that over 7million persons have been vaccinated in Africa. A platform will be created in the course of the week to show Nigerians every information relating to the management of vaccines and of course, the pandemic,” he said.

In addition to the 3.9 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine received from Covax, the PTF has further received another 300,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines from MTN Nigeria on Sunday, 21 March 2021.

Mustapha encouraged other partners to contribute towards the fight against COVID-19, while disclosing that Nigeria scientists have produced two home-made covid-19 vaccines, which are currently awaiting clinical trials.

“Nigerian Scientists have produced at least two local COVID-19 vaccines that are awaiting clinical trials and certification. This is a welcome development that will open a new vista in scientific breakthrough and will boost the morale and image of the medical industry in the country.

“I call on all relevant agencies to provide the required support and enabling environment for smooth conduct of the remaining protocols for the certification of these vaccines with a view to encouraging and motivating other researchers,” he said.

While speaking on the issues of suspended airlines in Nigeria, the PTF chairman said that “KLM has commenced full operations in and out of Nigeria since 15th March 2021, while operations of the Emirates in and out of the country has been suspended with the exemption of cargo and humanitarian flights.

“Efforts are being put in place for the reopening of the Kano, Port Harcourt, and Enugu international airports. The NIM will update you on this,” he said.

He further promised that a new travel protocol will be introduced to make travel safe, especially for international passengers.

“In the course of the week, a new travel and Quarantine protocols will be unveiled to incorporate persons vaccinated against this virus and make travels safe for international passengers,” he added.– Mar. 24, 2021 @ 12:30 GMT |
