No more tenure elongation - Ezeokafor

Mon, Jul 30, 2018 | By publisher


PAULINUS C Ezeokafor, a reverend and Catholic bishop of Awka Diocese, says no more tenure elongation for officers of Church, who have served a four – year tenure.

Ezeokafor said that it was a directive by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) to check activities of those who want to become “life officers” thereby denying others the opportunity to serve the church better.

The catholic prelate said this during `a one day’ interactive session with the Awka Diocesan Laity Council at St. Mark’s Catholic Church Abagana, Njikoka LGA.

Speaking on the academic qualification required for election of officers, he said that each group had its Constitution and should abide by it unless where it contradicts the teachings of the Church.

On issue of cutting down burial expenses, Ezeokafor said that there was a guideline by the church that allowed only leaflets and prayer cards of the deceased in profiles.

He noted that a bill on that had been presented to the House of Assembly during plenary by Nnamdi Okafor, member representing Awka 1 Constituency and that it had passed second reading.

He commended the house members for reasoning with the church, adding that very soon it would become law in Anambra.

Ezeokafor called all to be alive to their civic responsibilities, obtain voters cards and vote massively for credible persons that would enthrone freedom of worship in Nigeria.

He expressed worry over inability of the federal government to protect lives and property of its subjects.

The prelate also called on parents to redouble their efforts in the training of their wards to become God-fearing.

“Most parents prefer leaving their children in school with their teachers, thereby running away from their responsibilities as teachers have limit to what they will inculcate in the children.

“A child that does not learn during normal classes, when the weather is cool cannot learn when he/she is exhausted as there is limit to what they can assimilate,” Ezeokafor pointed out.

The bishop, while admitting the importance of handset and Ipad, disapproved usage during liturgy noting that it would make the users to be less attentive.

Igwe Mbamalu Okeke, the traditional ruler of Abagana, while commending the bishop for his administrative qualities, marvelled at the turnout of lay faithful and urged them to practice what they have learnt.

In a vote of thanks, Joseph Igwebuike, the president Laity Council of Awka Diocese, extolled the bishop for his humility, fatherly love and counsel with which he oversees affairs of the laity.

Igwebuike noted that the interactive session would rekindle in the laity the zeal to understand the teachings of the church as well as embrace virtue for the sake of the kingdom.

“This session offers us the opportunity to use the good things that pass away in such a way as to hold fast even now to those that endure,’’ he noted.

– Jul. 30, 2018 @ 18:39 GMT |
