NSCDC arrests 20-year-old man for defrauding NYSC member in Ondo

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 | By publisher


THE Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) Command in Ondo State has arrested a 20-year-old man, Kayode Ojo, for allegedly defrauding one Momodu Yekini of N111,000.
The state Commandant of NSCDC, Mr Pedro Awili, said this when he paraded the suspect and his accomplice one Kayode Agboola, before newsmen on Friday in Akure.
Awili said the suspects were arrested by officials of the NSCDC Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) on June 21 in Irowo Street, Akure.
“Ojo and other suspects, still at large, abducted Yekini, a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member in the state, and took him to an isolated area, where they held him hostage and collected his Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card.
“The suspects forcefully obtained his secret bank code and proceeded to an ATM machine, where they attempted to withdraw money from his account.
“At first, Yekini gave them a wrong pin code, hence they could not succeed, making them to furiously return to the spot where they held him and forced him to disclose the correct code.
“Armed with the correct code, the suspects withdraw N111, 000 from the victim’s account from an Eco Bank ATM machine in Arakale in Akure,” he said.
The commandant said the briefing became imperative to warn members of the public about the new style of robbery.
“We want the public to know about the development because many people might have been victims of this kind of crime and might not have reported to security agents to help them recover their money,’’ he said.
He charged residents to be vigilant and not to hesitate to report any crime to the command or other security agencies in the state.
“Crime victims should always report to security agencies and volunteer vital information that could help in the recovery of their belongings,’’ he said.
Speaking with newsmen, the suspects admitted forcefully obtaining the victim’s bank code with which they use to withdraw money from his account on June 12.
Ojo, the ring leader said that he has been in ‘419’ for one year, adding that he was trained by one Tunde Akuru.
The NSCDC commandant said that the suspects would be arraigned in court at the end of the ongoing investigation

– Jun. 22, 2018 @ 17:25 GMT |
