NYSC collaborates with financial institutions for start-up loans to youth corps members

Tue, Jul 5, 2022
By editor


THE Director-General, , Brig.-Gen. Muhammad Fadah, says the scheme is in collaboration with financial institutions for start-up loans to enable youth corps members to actualise their business dreams.

He made this known on Tuesday in Abuja at the closing ceremony of the 2022 Batch ‘B’ Stream One Orientation Course.

Fadah, who was represented by Alhaji Abdul Suleiman, the FCT NYSC Coordinator, said that the collaboration was with other stakeholders.

He added that he received impressive reports on youth corps members’ participation in the entrepreneurial trainings conducted in
camp under the NYSC Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) programme.

Fadah encouraged members to build on the skills acquired by availing themselves of opportunities for post-camp training as this would
go a long way in empowering them for self-reliance.

He said “I wish to assure you that management will continue to explore avenues for optimising the impact of the programme.”

Fadah urged the youth corps members to proceed to their places of Primary Assignment and be security-conscious at all times.

He appealed to corps employers to accept them and make the necessary provisions for their welfare and urged them to mentor the
young Nigerians to enable them to develop their potential.

He added that “I also call on other stakeholders, including state and local government authorities, as well as traditional rulers to give
the necessary encouragement to the youth corps members.”

The director-general said that the corps members were expected to integrate into their host communities while also appreciating and respecting their cultures.

He enjoined them to undertake personal and group Community Development Service (CDS) projects that would help to uplift the living standard of the people
of their host communities.

“I must, however, emphasise that engagement in their local politics is a no-go-area for you”, he stressed.

Fadah admonished the youth corps members to be good ambassadors of the scheme and their families and institutions of graduation.

He urged them to be wary of acts that portrayed the scheme in a negative light, especially vices such as drug abuse and trafficking, cybercrime and Advanced-Fee-Fraud.

He said “also remember that your membership of the youth service corps does not confer on you immunity from the legal consequences of any wrongdoing.

“I, therefore, enjoin you to continue to be law-abiding while also serving as role models for the younger ones.”

He assured them of the scheme’s commitment to their security and general welfare.

Fadah also said the management was in constant liaison with security agencies and other stakeholders with the view to ensuring their safety
and addressing other essential needs for a fulfilling service year.(NAN)

– Jul. 5 2022 @ 17:40 GMT |   C.E
