On St Ignatius of Antioch

Tue, Oct 17, 2023
By editor


By Val Obienyem 

TODAY marks the feast day of the remarkable Saint, also known as Theophorus, who was closely associated with the iconic city of Antioch. Saint Ignatius served as one of the earliest bishops of this city. It is worth noting that tradition attributes the role of the first bishop to Peter. Both the man and the city hold an exceptional place in history. It is well-documented that Antioch is where the followers of Christ were first referred to as Christians. The connection is intriguing, as Saint Ignatius was the first to use the term “Catholic” to describe the Christian body founded by Christ. Ironically, history has taken a turn, and modern-day Turkey, which was once one of the five great patriarchates of the early Christian Church, along with Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, is now predominantly a Muslim country.

It’s a fascinating twist of history that Abraham’s origins trace back to Iraq, tradition places the Garden of Eden within the boundaries of Iraq, and Nineveh was a prominent city in Iraq’s history. Meanwhile, Ephesus and Tarsus, known for their early Christian significance, are situated in what is now modern-day Turkey. Additionally, two of the most significant ecumenical councils, the First Council of Nicaea and the Council of Chalcedon, convened within the territory of present-day Turkey, among other historical and religious landmarks.

St. Ignatius initiated the influential lineage of post-apostolic fathers who enriched Christianity with philosophical depth and adeptly defended it against adversaries through reasoned argument. Whenever his name is invoked, it conjures the memory of other titans like Justin, Irenaeus (who stated that St. Peter entrusted the office of the episcopate to Linus as his rightful successor), Tertullian (who affirmed Irenaeus’s assertion), Cyprian (who fervently advocated the acceptance of the primacy of the Roman see), Origen (who, it is said, castrated himself following a literary interpretation of Matthew 19:12), Clement (the third Pope), Demetrius (who declined to ordain Origen to the priesthood on the grounds of his castration), Polycarp, Anicetus, and many more. These luminaries collectively enriched the Christian faith with their insights and writings.

St. Ignatius, a remarkable Christian figure, dedicated himself to preserving the purity of Christianity, notably through his seven letters, expositions on the Eucharist, staunch opposition to Gnostic heresies, and ultimate martyrdom. On this day of remembrance, may his life inspire us to continually seek the truth, just as he did, and steadfastly adhere to the truth once it is discovered.


-October 17, 2023 @ 13:45 GMT |


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