Police warn against thuggery during Plateau by-election

Fri, Aug 2, 2019
By publisher


THE Plateau Police Command, on Friday, said it would not tolerate any act of thuggery from anyone during the Saturday by-election in Pengana constituency of the state.

Mr Aliyu Tafida, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) in charge of operations, gave this warning in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Jos.

NAN reports that the by-election became necessary following the demise of Mr Ezekiel Afon of the All Progressives Congress (APC), who died after he was declared winner of the polls in March.

According to Tafida, necessary arrangements have been put in place by security agencies in the state to ensure a hitch-free exercise.

Tafida said that police had deployed adequate personnel to man each poling unit, and ensure that hoodlums do not disrupt the voting process.

“The police and other security agencies are fully ready for this by-election.

“We have deployed adequate personnel; at least each polling unit will have five policemen stationed there.

“This is not to intimidate voters, but to ensure that the process is done under a peaceful atmosphere.

“We shall not tolerate any act of thuggery, and if anyone is caught exhibiting it, he or she will be decisively dealt with,” he said.

Tafida, however, assured that policemen and other security personnel, who would be deployed to the election grounds would be civil in their conduct.

He assured that policemen on election duty would not compromise, but perform their duties diligently as specified in the Electoral Act.

The DCP called on residents of the area and political parties to cooperate with the security agents in ensuring that the election is hitch-free. (NAN)

– Aug. 2, 2019 @ 14:45 GMT |
