President Touray received a delegation from EAC on a Benchmarking Mission to ECOWAS

Tue, Feb 6, 2024
By editor


 OMAR Alieu Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, on Monday in Abuja received a delegation from the East African Community, EAC, led by Andrea Aguer Arik Malueth, the Deputy Secretary General (Infrastructure, Productive, Social and Political Sectors), who are on a benchmarking Mission to ECOWAS.

In his welcome address, Omar Alieu Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission highlighted the importance of collaborations among the Regional Economic Communities, RECs, adding that “it is good we learn from each other”.

He thanked them for the confidence they have in ECOWAS and that despite the challenges in the region, they can learn from the achievements and successes of ECOWAS.

While thanking ECOWAS for the reception they received, Andrea Aguer Arik Malueth, stressed that he was glad to visit ECOWAS for the benchmarking mission to understudy ECOWAS and learn from the experiences of ECOWAS.


-February 6, 2024 @ 15:15 GMT|


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