Rainstorm destroys 35 public schools in Nasarawa state – Commissioner

Wed, Jul 4, 2018 | By publisher


THE Commissioner for Education in Nasarawa State, Aliyu Tijjani, has said that 35 public schools were destroyed by rainstorm in the state.

The commissioner disclosed this in an interview with newsmen on Wednesday in Lafia.

He explained that the schools were destroyed by rainstorm at different times across the 13 local government areas (LGAs) of the state.

According to him, the destruction is more prevalent in Doma LGA, following the rainstorm of May 8, where 12 schools are affected.

“We have constituted a committee that went round and took the inventory of the level of destruction.

“The committee had already submitted its report, which is currently before the governor; if the governor returns to the state, repairs of the schools would commence,” he said.

Tijjani also said that the ministry had already directed the management of state-owned tertiary institutions to allocate the newly built hostels to the students in next semester.

He said the government would continue to provide learning environment conducive and engage in human capital development for a better service delivery. (NAN)

– Jul. 4, 2018 @ 17:35 GMT |
