Re-arraignment of suspected illicit drug dealer fails in Lagos 

Mon, May 27, 2024
By editor


A Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday re-scheduled, for Oct. 9, re-arraignment of one Yomi Rotimi charged with  trafficking in 500g of Cannabis Sativa.

Justice Kehinde Ogundare gave the date following  Rotimi’s failure to appear in court on  Monday for re-arraignment.

Rotimi is charged by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on a count of illicit drug sale.

He was first arraigned before Justice Tijani Ringim, who  has been  transferred.

Following the transfer, the case was  re-assigned to Ogundare.

On Monday, Mrs J. O. Negedu announced appearance for NDLEA, but there was no defence counsel.

Negedu told the court that the case  was slated for Rotimi’s re-arraignment, adding that a hearing notice had been served on him.

She prayed the court for another  date for the re-arraignment since Rotimi was not in court.

The court consequently adjourned the case until Oct. 9.

NDLEA stated in the charge that Rotimi  committed the offence on Dec. 14, 2019, at  Ejigbo, Lagos State. 

It  alleged that Rotimi engaged in the sale of 500g of Cannabis Sativa without lawful authority, in  contravention of Section 11(c) of the NDLEA Act of 2004. (NAN)


-May 27, 2024 @ 13:10 GMT|
