Rep Nnamchi trains additional 350 students on computer skills

Mon, Sep 11, 2023
By editor


REP Paul Nnamchi (LP-Enugu State), has trained an additional 350 secondary school students in Enugu East/Isi-Uzo Federal Constituency in various aspect of computer skills during this holiday period.

Nnamchi, a Professor and House of Representatives Member for Enugu East/Isi-Uzo Federal Constituency, through his “Prof. Paul Nnamchi Tech-hub and Youth Innovation (PPNTAYI)”, had trained 150 students in computer skills between March and April, 2023.

The computer skills impacted on the students within the second edition of the training included: computer appreciation, uses of Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet, installation of computer systems and coding among others.

Presenting certificates to the participants in Trans-Ekulu, Enugu, Nnamchi appreciated parents for allowing their wards to participate in the one-month training, and to the students who “allowed the training to pass through them”.

Nnamchi said that the training was intensive in that participants were able to solve mathematical equations using Microsoft Excel, type fast, create folders, access internet and email addresses with phones and laptops among other proficiencies.

According to him, “what prompted me to make the training available for our young ones was the experience I had while I was teaching in the UK.

“Some students from Nigeria came to do their Masters and some of them could not use computers and one of the lecturers asked me if we do not use computers in Nigerian schools and I told him that we do

“But, I knew that even some who study computer Science in Nigeria may actually have not have used computers. So, I started this training in order to catch the students young.

“The training is to equip the children (youths) for tomorrow, for them to be better in Hi-tech knowledge. I am certain that we will produce future Bill Gates from this training.

“What the elderly ones cannot achieve, you now have the potential for such heights and that is the essence of this fundamental training,” Nnamchi said.

The Coordinator of the Training, Mr Daniel Igwe, said that the students have learnt about the technology used in generation of computer and network topology, adding that their performance during tests and examination proved they acquired the desired knowledge.

“About 350 students in Enugu East/Isi-Uzo Federal Constituency are now computer literate under the mentorship and sponsorship of Nnamchi.

Igwe said that in addition, “Prof. Nnamchi had awarded scholarships to 200 students to study any course of their choice at any university in Nigeria,” Igwe said.

Rev. Fr. Franklin Udenze, Parish Priest of St. Theresa Parish Ugbo-Odogwu in Trans Ekulu, said that Nnamchi had raised the bar in political office holder impact on the constituents, adding: “Just within a few months, hundreds have been touched significantly”.

Udenze, whose parish hosted the training, said that he had taken time to interact with some of the students and discovered that they are really adding more knowledge to themselves.

“I sincerely believe with these computer skills, they will go places and make us proud in the near future,” he said.

Miss Chioma Anya, one of the participants, thanked Nnamchi for the opportunity given to the students to use their holiday period to add to their knowledge and be vast on computer and hi-tech skills.

“We are praying for God’s blessings, good health and protection on you (Nnamchi) as you continue to fashion out how to uplift others and make our constituency and the entire World a better place,” Anya, a student of the Federal Government College, Enugu, said. (NAN) 


September 11, 2023 @ 8:25 GMT|
