Rotary sensitises, distributes delivery kits to pregnant women in Jos 

Tue, Jul 2, 2024
By editor


THE Rotary Club of Jos Central has sensitised pregnant women to health tips and distributed delivery and hygiene kits to 50 of them in Jos.

The club president, Mrs Vivian Abara, said that the gesture was to reduce child and maternal mortality to the barest minimum.

Abara said that many women and children have died for lack of knowledge and the required kits.

She said that maternal and child health was one of the areas of focus for Rotary, and that July was designated as the month for mother and child.

“. Our target is that no child should die while being given birth and no mother should die while bringing a child into the world.

“We are giving these women the first things they need during delivery, which include birth and hygiene kits.

“It will help them to go through labour without concern for lack of these things, which could result in high blood pressure and mental health.

“We brought professionals to teach them what is needed; what food they should eat and the services they should seek.

“To encourage them to take their routine drugs to enhance their chances of safe delivery,” he said.

Abara further said that, due to the economic crunch, food was very expensive, but there were food supplements that would enhance the nutrition of pregnant women.

The president said that they were discouraging them from going to local birth attendants, and also encouraging those who believe that they should not go to the hospital because of their religious beliefs.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Mbave, Project Coordinator, Rotary Club of Jos Central, said that the club made history by executing a project before official takeover.

Mbave said the gesture aimed at safe delivery was to ensure the continuity of the Rotary.

“It means that when we are old, we will have young ones who join Rotary and continue where we will stop.

“That is why we are beginning the rotary year by helping mothers have their babies safely.

“The sensitisation lecture was to help the mothers know what to do and what not to do as they were expecting babies,” he said.

Mrs Mary Shikgak-ah, who delivered the sensitisation lecture, advised the women on the essence of antenatal care.

Mrs Mary Dilang, Deputy In Charge, Primary Health Center Maidiko Jos, commended Rotary International for choosing the center for the intervention.

Dilang said that gesture would no doubt save the lives of many women. (NAN)


July 2, 2024
