Solution to cabinet reshuffle crisis must be in accordance with constitution – Tunisian President

Thu, Feb 11, 2021
By editor


TUNISIAN President Kais Saied said the solution to the ongoing crisis of the cabinet reshuffle “must be in accordance with the constitution”.

A statement from the presidency disclosed that Saied made the comments during his meeting with representatives of various parliamentary blocks, where he noted that the planned cabinet reshuffle was “marred by many violations,” highlighting his role “as the guarantor of the constitution.”

The Tunisian President also criticized the absence of women in the reshuffle, despite the fact that the constitution stipulates that they must be represented.

The Tunisian parliament granted its confidence to 11 new ministers proposed by Prime Minister Mechichi on Jan. 27, two days after Saied declared during the meeting of the National Security Council that one of the proposed ministers was implicated in a corruption case and three others were suspected of conflict of interest.

Citing the reasons, Saied has said he “will not allow some of the new ministers to take their oath of office.” (Xinhua/NAN)

– Feb. 11, 2021 @ 13:23 GMT /
