Trump Elected US President

Wed, Nov 9, 2016
By publisher



AGAINST all expectations and permutations, Donald Trump, a businessman who has never held any political position or served in the military, has won the United States presidential election and would become the 45th president of the country.

Trump won 288 electoral votes, 73 more than Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party’s candidate, who got 215 electoral votes.

Clinton has since telephoned Trump, conceding defeat and congratulating him for winning the election. She also thanked her supporters for believing and standing by her.

Trump, a real estate developer who has never held any appointive or elective political office, announced his decision to seek the presidential ticket of the Republican Party in June 2015.

He was dismissed by established politicians of his party and the Democratic Party as a non-starter partly because of the unorthodox and insulting comments he made about Mexicans, Muslims and other minorities.

But Trump defeated 16 other candidates to win the Republican nomination. His campaign was marred by scandals and conflicts, many emanating from his conduct and utterances.

His campaign organisation was tattered and uncoordinated. He changed campaign managers three times and, unlike typical presidential candidates, did not open local campaign offices in most of the states in the country.

Clinton, his opponent, ran a near perfect campaign and was widely predicted to win by all polls.

She not only failed to win the Republican States where the polls predicted she had an edge, she also lost traditional Democrat voting states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

Trump won all the so-called battleground states including – Ohio and North Carolina which Clinton was favoured to win.

Trump’s victory represents a huge shift in American politics because of his stand on immigration, foreign policy and minority rights.

— Nov 9, 2016 @ 13:55 GMT

