U.S. envoy for N/Korean human rights to visit S. Korea

Tue, Feb 13, 2024
By editor


THE U.S. special envoy for North Korean human rights, Julie Turner will visit South Korea this week to meet with Seoul officials and attend events.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the release of a landmark U.N. report on the North’s rights abuses.

Julie, U.S. Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights is scheduled to arrive in Seoul on Wednesday, following a trip to Japan.

The U.S. State Department said earlier that Julie would make the two-nation visit from  Feb. 19, to  Feb. 22.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Lim Soo-suk said in a briefing that, they expect that Julie Turner’s visit will serve as a chance to send out a strong message from South Korea and the United States.

The outreach to South Korea and the United States was on the commitment to raising awareness and promoting the North’s human rights situations.

Julie is expected to attend an event hosted by the U.N. human rights office in Seoul.

The event was to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of the 2014 U.N. Commission of Inquiry (COI) report on the North’s human rights violations.

The COI report had accused North Korean officials of “systematic, widespread and gross” human rights violations.

The COI report is considered the first document produced by the U.N. that addressed in depth, the issues related to North Korean human rights violations.

However, Julie plans to visit entities providing support and education to recently arrived North Korean defectors. (Yonhap/NAN)

13th February, 2024.

