U.S pledges to support countries that stand against Russia

Fri, Mar 4, 2022
By editor


By Kennedy Nnamani

THE United States, through Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary Bureau of African Affairs, has pledged its support to African countries that strongly stand against the invasion of Russia in Ukraine.

This was disclosed on February 3, 2022, by the assistant secretary while responding to questions during an online press briefing on the current war between Ukraine and Russia.

While responding to how small island states whose economy is heavily dependent on tourism coming from both Russia and Ukraine can cope in the present dilemma and if the U.S. will be concerned just like the World Bank and other institutions are doing, assistant secretary Phee referred to the support that the U.S, in corroboration with the World Bank and the IMF, expressed to such states during the COVID-19 pandemic. She disclosed that there are already moves to support countries that will be affected by the conflict.

“There is now a discussion underway on how to continue to help countries that will be suffering from the economic dislocations of this conflict. 

“We would prefer if we all stand firmly and try and deter an expansion of the conflict.  We might be able to recover sooner.  But those are activities and assistance that we can explore developing and assisting those who stood up for principles and for the people,” she disclosed.

