UN Security Council yet to receive peace plan for Middle East – President

Tue, Jul 24, 2018 | By publisher


THE UN Security Council has not received a concrete peace plan for the Middle East, in spite of U.S. promises to deliver such a proposal, Swedish Ambassador Olof Skoog said on Tuesday.

“Everybody is waiting for a credible peace plan. We haven’t seen that one yet, it is a problem that there is no credible plan on the table,’’ Skoog said at a media stakeout.

Skoog, who is the current rotating president of the Council, noted that leaders in the U.S. have been talking about unveiling a new peace plan for nearly a year.

He added Security Council members are wondering whether real preparations for peace are taking place in the region, including efforts involving youth, working with women and non-government organisations.

Skoog described current efforts to address the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as short-term, rather than long-term solutions. “The current efforts amount to nothing more than band-aids,’’ he said.

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and his senior adviser Jared Kushner are leading U.S. efforts to revive the moribund Middle East peace process.

However, he has not unveiled any specific proposals to kick off a new round of negotiations.  (Sputnik/NAN)

– Jul. 24, 2018 @ 17:35 GMT |

