Welcome address by Alh Ismail Adedigba director research and development department, NCC,

Fri, Oct 27, 2023
By editor


At the closing ceremony of the 2023 NCC talent hunt research through hackathon, on 26th October 2023.


The Executive Vice Chairman (EVC),

The Executive Commissioner (Technical Services) 

The Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management), 

The Management of NCC, 

The CEOs and Representatives of Telecom Companies, 

Gentlemen of the Press,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great enthusiasm and a sense of honour that I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you to the grand finale of Talent Hunt Research through Hackathon, 2023, on behalf of the Nigerian Communications Commission. We are truly grateful for your gracious acceptance of our invitation to join us today. It is encouraging to see so many familiar faces in the audience, including those who have graced our previous events. The diversity of our participants, hailing from various Geopolitical Zones, exemplifies your unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and expansion within the ICT industry.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the young innovators who have been selected to participate in this highly competitive project, the Hackathon. We have every confidence that you have brought forth a plethora of creative solutions, and we eagerly anticipate the outstanding commercializable prototypes that will emerge from your endeavours.

We find ourselves in an era marked by rapid change, driven incessantly by innovation and technology. I am deeply convinced that events like this innovative Hackathon, if held regularly, offers us invaluable opportunities to unearth and adapt to new technologies. These adaptations will equip us to effectively navigate the ever-evolving landscape and surmount the current and future challenges facing not only our industries but also our broader societal spheres.

It is imperative to acknowledge that our young innovators have a pivotal role to play in addressing existing industrial challenges and formulating technology-driven solutions that yield tangible social impact.

Innovation in Communication Technologies stands as the driving force behind the very essence of the Telecommunication industry today. Technology has emerged as the catalyst that unleashes unprecedented potential in ways we could scarcely fathom. Consequently, the advancement of the Telecommunication sector, and doing so in a manner that is sustainable and ethical, should be a collective concern for all of us. The rate of growth experienced by the Telecom sector, thanks to innovative research, is nothing short of enviable. It is essential that the vision of the Commission for this Competition resonates profoundly with all stakeholders in general and accelerating our collective prosperity through technical efficiency agenda of the Honorable Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, success is often the outcome of a harmonious blend of talent, willpower, and hard work. I would like to conclude this welcome address by reiterating our unwavering commitment to building and strengthening the bridge between Tech Hubs and the Telecom industry. We will persistently encourage innovative research that not only mirrors global innovations but also tailors them to local contexts.

Thank you.

ALH ISMAIL ADEDIGBA B.Sc, M.Sc, FCA, FNIM, FSCA, ACTIN Director Research and Development Department Nigerian Communications Commission


-October 27, 2023 @ 14:45 GMT |
