We’ll not compromise research standard – NCRI Executive Director

Sun, Oct 30, 2022
By editor


DR Aliyu Umar, the Executive Director, National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI), Badeggi, Niger, says his administration will not compromise research standards.

Umar assured of his continued commitment to promote research at all times considering its importance to human and social development

He gave the assurance in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Bida

Umar said that his administration has established technology show-room in order to boost research and for the overall development of the institute.

“When we came on board, we set up what we call Technology Show-Room. It is a room set aside where we display technology, improved varieties of crops, agricultural products and implements.

“So, that whenever we have visitors in the institute, we will take them round so that they can have first hand information about our products and activities,” he said.

Umar said the institute had enhanced partnerships with sister research centres and universities within and outside the country to boost research.

“We intend to extend the frontiers of research through increased collaboration in order to boost productivity and to take the centre to greater heights,” he said.

The executive director said that the institute had also created a Quality Control and Assurance unit to curtail adulteration of seeds.

“All of our products are certified and our inputs are also certified. We don’t tolerate adulterated products.

“When we came on board, we also created Integrated Farming System Research to boost farming system,” Umar added.

The executive director further disclosed that the institute had inaugurated its staff school considering its importance to the children of the institute’s staffers and the host communities. (NAN)

