Woman drags neighbor to court for allegedly calling her cursed woman

Wed, Aug 17, 2022
By editor


A housewife, Halima Musa on Wednesday dragged her neighbor, Hajara Hassan, to a Sharia court sitting at Magajin Gari, Kaduna, for allegedly calling her a cursed woman.

The complainant, who resides at Adamawa road, in Kaduna metropolis, told the court that the defendant had come to her apartment in the night and insulted her by calling her names.

“She was shouting, saying my mother had cursed me before she died,” the complainant explained.

The defendant had denied the allegations, saying it never happened.

The News Agency of Nigeria, (NAN) reports that two witnesses were presented by the complainant in court and they all testified, saying they heard the defendant calling her neighbor a cursed woman.

The judge, Malam Murtala Nasir, adjourned the matter to Aug. 22 for ruling.(NAN)

