Women Leaders in Global Health – Virtual Conference 13-15 October

Fri, Oct 9, 2020
By editor


THE World leaders convene to call for more women at the decision-making table in global health Speakers to include Monica Geingos, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia, Matshidiso Moeti, Winnie Byanyima,  Senait Fisseha, Nekesa Were, Kennedy “King Kaka” Ombima, and more.

From 13-15 October, the Women Leaders in Global Health Conference – convened by WomenLift Health – will bring together policymakers, UN leadership, philanthropists, researchers, frontline workers, and youth activists to call for more women in global health leadership roles.


Women in global health represent only 25% of senior leadership positions, despite making up 70% of the world’s health workforce. Health issues – including pandemics – often have unique and disproportionate impacts on women, and countries led by women have had notably better outcomes during the COVID-10 crisis.

The conference program will feature high-level fireside chats, panels and breakout discussions focused on gender norms and taboos, women in the media, the role of male allies, efforts to decolonize global health, and taking a gendered lens to the COVID response.

Spotlight On Africa

With less than 5% of the world’s global health leadership positions held by women in low-or middle-income countries, the second day of the conference will shine a light on issues and voices within Africa, spotlighting challenges and opportunities in health leadership across the continent.


The discussions will focus on key issues in the region, including the push for change by women in leadership, the need to dismantle gender discrimination in the workplace, the role of African women in technology who are innovating to break barriers, the underrepresentation of women in Africa’s scientific institutions, social norms and taboos that hinder progress toward gender equality on the continent, and health policy-making for African women by African women.


  • Monica Geingos, First Lady, Republic of Namibia
  • Hon. Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, Minister of Health, Republic of Liberia
  • Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, UNAIDS
  • Matshidiso Moeti, Regional Director for Africa, World Health Organization
  • Senait Fisseha, Director of Global Programs, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation
  • Joan Benson,Executive Director, Public Health Partnerships, Global Vaccines Public Policy, Merck
  • Quarraisha Abdool Karim,Associate Scientific Director CAPRISA & Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, Columbia University
  • Tom Kariuki,Director of Programmes/AESA Platform, The African Academy of Sciences
  • Temie Giwa-Tubosun,Founder & CEO, LifeBank Nigeria
  • Cathy Mwangi,Founder & CEO, mHealth Kenya
  • Nekesa Were, Director of Strategy, AfriLabs
  • Redi Tlhabi, Journalist, Moderator and Author
  • King Kaka, Rapper and Menstrual Hygiene Management Activist
  • And more


WHAT: Virtual event to discuss elevating women into leadership positions in global health

– Oct. 9, 2020 @ 16:00 GMT /


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