Women’s Day: Activism, advocacy of women bearing fruit – UN

Thu, Mar 8, 2018 | By publisher


THE UN said the activism and advocacy of women from generations were now bearing fruits, adding “time is now” to transform global push for women’s rights into action.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in a message to mark International Women’s Day said: “We are at a pivotal moment for women’s rights. For decades, women have been calling for the equality that is their right.

“And today, they are shaking the pillars of patriarchy. They are telling their stories and provoking important and necessary conversations. Everywhere, women are saying “The Time is Now”.

“Time for equality and opportunity, respect and equal representation. Time for an end to violence.

“Around the world, women and girls are calling out the abusive behaviour and discriminatory attitudes they face everywhere and all the time. They are insisting on lasting change”.

Marked annually on March 8, and the 2018 under the theme: “Time is Now: Rural and Urban Activists Transforming Women’s Lives”, events around the world captured the vibrant work of women activists and their mobilisation for change.

Guterres declared that “gender inequality and discrimination against women harm us all,” saying that gender equality “is not a favour to women,” but a human rights issue in everyone’s interests.

Guterres noted that we still lived in a male dominated world with male dominated culture but warned that until power is fairly shared, the world will remain out of balance.

“The activism and advocacy of generations of women has borne fruit. There are more girls in school than ever before.

“More women are doing paid work and in senior roles in the private sector, academia, politics and in international organisations, including the United Nations,” he said.

Guterres, however, regretted that over the next decade millions more girls would undergo genital mutilation and women’s representation in parliaments stood at less than one quarter – and even lower in boardrooms.

He pointed out that UN had now reached gender parity for the first time in his senior management team, adding “I am determined to achieve this throughout the Organisation”.

Guterres asserted that investing in women lifts up communities, companies and countries, declaring: “Stand with women, listen to them and learn from them”.

In her message for the Day, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women explained that this year’s theme captured the life of the women activists whose passion and commitment had brought change over generations and won women’s rights.

Mlambo-Ngcuka said: “What we see today is a remarkable gathering of strength among women all over the world, demonstrating the power of speaking with one voice.

“As they call for opportunity and accountability, drawing momentum from grassroots networks and coalitions that stretch right up to government leadership”. (NAN)

– Mar. 8, 2018 @ 19:58 GMT |


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