APC rules out crisis in national convention

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 | By publisher


THE Sub-Committee on Monitoring, Coordination and Compliance of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Convention Committee, has allayed fears that the convention, scheduled holding on Saturday, would be marred by crisis.

Chairman of the sub-committee, Sen. Hope Uzodinma, gave the assurance while leading members of the committee on tour of Eagle Square, Abuja, venue of the event, on Thursday in Abuja.

He assured that efforts were being made by the party to settle members with discordant views.

The chairman said that the fears of crisis from factional party members were unfounded.

He said “party is a family thing. I do not think there is any faction; it is one political party, the ruling party for that matter.

“At one point or the other, members may be aggrieved but after some processes, using the internal mechanism of the party, issues will be addressed and we will all continue to work as a team.

“For now, the party is one united political party ready to go.”

The lawmaker also said that a good number of security personnel had been deployed to the venue of the convention to forestall break down of law and order.

“Being a party that is in government and given the level of success we have achieved with regard to the security situation in the country, Abuja is safe for the convention.

“Also, security arrangement is already in place as the Nigeria Police Force is up and doing.

“We are also working with the internal security committee of the party to ensure a hitch-free convention,” he said.

Uzodinma assured that the committee would work assiduously to ensure that other areas of concern were adequately addressed.

“We are here to ensure that all is set for tomorrow’s event, identify possible areas of concern and take steps towards addressing them.

“So far, there are evidences that all is set and the people are happy as the party is doing well.

“I am confident that we will have a hitch free convention and our committee as an intervention committee will consult with relevant departments to address those issues.

“As a matter of fact, we are acting as a control and command centre for tomorrow’s convention,’’ he said.

The chairman called on all party members to work towards the success of the convention.


– Jun. 22, 2018 @ 17:25 GMT |
