Editorial Suite

Fri, Jun 28, 2013 | By publisher

Editorial Suite

WHEN the opposition parties mooted the idea of coming together to form a mega party – All Progressives Congress, APC — that will provide a formidable challenge to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, many Nigerians were thrilled. They had hoped that such a party will keep the ruling party permanently on its toes to serve the nation better as well as be an alternative to a non-performing ruling party. It was also hoped that the mega party will provide an ideological basis for its existence so that Nigerians of like minds will join their cause. The initial euphoria that greeted the coming of the mega party began to fizzle out when the brains behind it seemed more interested in grabbing power from the incumbent president just for the sake of it. Their blind opposition to anything that President Goodluck Jonathan does irrespective of whether it is good has left many Nigerians askance and many have wondered if, indeed, the new party has a direction. This was made worse by the drama over who owns the APC acronym as three other political parties laid claim to it. In fact, there is a case in court now over which party owns the acronym and until that case is settled, the fate of the mega party is still uncertain as the Independent National Electoral Commission is yet to register it. Apart from the fear that the court case may derail the APC, registration future convention where national officers will be elected is still uncertain. Amidst the uncertainty trailing the formation of All Progressives Congress and concern over whether it will successfully oppose the ruling party in 2015 election, Realnews editorial board decided to beam its searchlight on the preparedness of the new party to provide a viable opposition to the PDP and eventually snatch power from the ruling party come the 2015 general elections. Olu Ojewale, general editor, provides you with all the results of our findings in this week’s cover story entitled: 2015: APC’s Strategy to Unseat Jonathan. You will be happy reading it.

Maureen Chigbo

— Jul. 8, 2013 @ 01:00 GMT


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