NGO donates wheelchairs to 100 polio victims in Karu

Sat, Jul 2, 2022
By editor


THE Beautiful Gate Handicapped People Centre, Jos, a non-governmental organisation, has donated wheelchairs to 100 victims of polio and other Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs) in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.

Miss Sandra Yilgwan, the Media and Communications Officer of the organisation, announced this in a statement issued in Jos.

Mr Ayuba Gufwan,  the Executive Director and Founder of the centre who presented the wheelchairs to the beneficiaries, said that the gesture aimed at alleviating the suffering of victims of polio and other PWDs.

Gufwan,  a polio survivor, admonished the beneficiaries to put the wheelchairs into good use, adding that it would aid their mobility and enable them have better their lives.

He urged them to take advantage of this gesture to either learn a trade, enrol in school or start a business that would enable them earn a living.

Responding, the Chairman of the council, Mr James Thomas, thanked the centre for the kind gesture and promised to regularly support PWDs in the locality.(NAN)

