Overcoming Nigeria’s Malnutrition Crisis: A Coordinated Approach

Fri, Jul 5, 2024
By editor


By Barrister Chinedu Moghalu

NIGERIA is currently facing a significant malnutrition crisis that affects millions of children across the country. According to the National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), approximately 37% of children under five in Northern Nigeria are stunted, reflecting chronic malnutrition, while 7% suffer from wasting, an indicator of acute malnutrition. Recent UNICEF reports indicate that about 2 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), with 40% of these cases concentrated in six states. Additionally, over 6 million children are moderately malnourished, and many women, especially those who are pregnant and lactating, suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. The projection that 26.5 million Nigerians will be food insecure in 2024 underscores the urgency of our response.

Underlying Causes and Challenges

The malnutrition crisis in Nigeria is driven by governance inefficiencies, widespread poverty,
insecurity, and climate change, which disrupt food production and distribution. Rapid population
growth and high dependency ratios strain resources, making it challenging to ensure adequate
nutrition for all. Compounding this are poor feeding practices and cultural misconceptions about
nutrition further exacerbate the problem; and gender inequality which limits women’s access to
education, employment, and resources, impacting their ability to provide adequate nutrition. Other issues include poor access to healthcare due to inadequate infrastructure and products; inadequate social protection systems; and insecurity, especially in the North, which displaces communities and leads to food insecurity.

Government Commitment and Policy Interventions

Pursuant to President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda, which aims to foster a prosperous and
healthy Nigeria, and aligned with the Nigeria Health Sector Renewal Initiative (NHSRII), the
government has been tackling this issue head-on. This commitment aims to improve the quality of
healthcare, ensure food security, and promote social well-being and economic stability. Recent
meetings on solving malnutrition in Nigeria, held on June 6, June 14, and July 2 with clear action
paths underscored this unwavering commitment to addressing the crisis.

“The malnutrition crisis we face is a symptom of deeper, systemic issues that have developed over
decades,” said Hon. CMHSW Muhammad Ali Pate. “We are committed to not just addressing the
symptoms but tackling the root causes to create a healthier future for all Nigerians.”

And the response in the health sector has been robust. The government has mobilized 1.3 million
doses of multiple micronutrient supplements for pregnant women, expected to arrive by mid-July.
To strengthen the primary healthcare system, more than N12 billion has been approved for primary healthcare centers across the country. These funds, part of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF), will help ensure that centers are equipped to handle malnutrition cases effectively. The government is also working with state governments through the National Primary Health Care
Development Agency (NPHCDA) to allocate resources for revitalizing primary healthcare, focusing on states like Kebbi, Katsina, and Niger that have yet to receive their allocations. Coordination with
State Primary Health Care Development Boards (SPHCDB) will be essential to this effort.

Equitable Distribution of Resources

A key principle of the approach is the equitable distribution of available resources across the entire country, not just the most affected areas. This ensures that all children, regardless of their location, have access to the necessary nutrition support. Equitable distribution will prevent the exacerbation
of regional disparities and ensure a comprehensive national response to malnutrition.

Comprehensive and Coordinated Approaches: SWAp

Addressing malnutrition requires a comprehensive “whole-of-government” and “whole-of-society” approach involving all sectors of government and society leveraging the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) as approved by Mr. President last December. This includes coordinated efforts across health, education, agriculture, social protection, and environmental protection sectors. The pivotal role of the Presidency, particularly through the Office of the Vice President, in championing and coordinating these efforts at the highest level of government, cannot be overstated. Already, the Compact signed among all government and non-government stakeholders is gaining strong traction for consolidated delivery of the NHSRII pillars.

At a recent dialogue titled “Malnutrition Surge in Northern Nigeria: Addressing a Looming Humanitarian Crisis,” co-hosted by the Hon. CMHSW and the Athena Centre for Policy and
Leadership, the necessity of coordinated action at the state level was emphasized. Key commitments from the dialogue included data integration, state-level actions, and local capacity building to strengthen intervention programs and ensure sustainability.

The role of agencies such as UNICEF, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the World Bank, the World
Food Programme (WFP), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation (BMGF), among others, has been critical and immensely helpful in the fight against
malnutrition. Their support and expertise align with the path being taken to address the crises in a
holistic and more sustainable manner. The potential to immediately unlock $30 million from the
World Bank’s Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRIN) project, with a potential 1:1 match
from the Child Nutrition Fund, represents a significant step forward in scaling up the response.

Conclusion and Way Forward

The urgency of addressing malnutrition in Nigeria cannot be overstated. An estimated $912 million
annually is required to comprehensively scale up nutrition-specific interventions. Timely
implementation and effective tracking are essential to ensure that resources reach those in need
and achieve the desired impact. This demands the concerted effort of all stakeholders, including
private sector actors and foundations such as the Dangote Foundation, to achieving significant
progress in reducing malnutrition. Commitment to actionable steps and continuous collaboration
can save lives, reduce suffering, and improve health outcomes across the country.

Coordinated efforts, strategic leadership, and unwavering commitment have the potential to
transform the nutritional landscape of Nigeria and ensure that every child and family has the
opportunity to thrive. As Hon. CMHSW Muhammad Ali Pate pledged, “The fight against malnutrition is one we are determined to win. With coordinated efforts, strong leadership, and unwavering commitment, we will ensure a healthier future for our children and our nation. We are not just addressing the crisis at hand but building a sustainable framework that will protect future
generations from malnutrition.”

Barrister Chinedu Moghalu
Senior Special Adviser to the Hon CMHSW
on Strategic Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, and Advocacy

5th July, 2024.

