PDP condemns abduction of students in Niger state

Wed, Feb 17, 2021
By editor

Politics, Security

THE Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has condemned the reported abduction of students of the Government Science Secondary School, Kagara, Niger State, by bandits, who invaded the school on Wednesday morning.

The party made the condemnation in a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Mr Kola Ologbondiyan, in Abuja on Wednesday.

Ologbondiyan said that the PDP is alarmed by the recent escalation of banditry in Niger State and other parts of the country, and advised security forces to go after the outlaws and rescue the abducted children.

“Nigerians were jolted by the Tuesday’s coordinated bandit attacks, kidnapping and killings in several communities in Niger state.”

He said that bandits were reported to have moved from village to village on Tuesday, pillaged compatriots, sacked major highways and held communities in Niger state hostage for several hours without any counter-attack.

“While commiserating with the victims of the attacks, we task the security forces to go after the bandits as well as rescue the Kagara school children before any harm comes upon them.”

Ologbondiyan urged Nigerians to remain vigilant and continue rallying around opportunities created by democracy in the effort to rescue the nation and ensure lasting security for the country. (NAN)

-Feb, 17, 2021 17:19 AM
