US unemployment rate unchanged at 3.7 percent

Fri, Aug 2, 2019
By publisher


THE US added 164,000 jobs in July, helping it to maintain an unemployment rate at 3.7 percent, according to government data on Friday.

The unemployment data, released by the Bureau of Labour Statistics, underscore the strength of the U.S. economy.

Which Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell described as healthy as he announced a reduction in the benchmark interest rate.

Unemployment remains at its lowest level since 1969.

Americans’ average hourly earnings has been rising slowly in 2019, the data show.

The increase in July was about 8 cents per hour to nearly 28 dollars. Average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 per cent in the past 12 months, the bureau said.

The data come amid signs that the trading relationship between the U.S. and China are under strain.

A trade war with China shows no sign of abating, with President, Donald Trump announcing Thursday that he will hike tariffs on some 300 billion dollars’ worth of Chinese goods to 10 per cent starting from Sept. 1.

Job gains were especially strong in professional and technical services, health care, social assistance and financial activities, the bureau said. (Dpa/NAN)

– Aug. 2, 2019 @ 14:45 GMT |
