Development: Lawmaker tasks colleagues on private bills

Sat, Jun 3, 2023
By editor


NASARAWA State Assemblyman David Maiyaki has urged incoming members of the state 7th Assembly to initiate more private member Bills that would have direct bearing on the lives of citizens.

Maiyaki, member representing Karu/Gitata Constituency, made the call while fielding questions from the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lafia on Saturday.

He said that private bills would engender peace and ensure speedy developmemt in the state.

“We should encourage private members bills in the interest of development,” he said.

Maiyaki appreciated the Speaker of the House, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdullahi, for providing quality leadership.

“I want to appreciate our Rt. Hon. Speaker, Ibrahim Balarabe Abdullahi, for his purposeful and all inclusive leadership.

“This has promoted peace and development in the House and the state at large,” he said.

The outgoing lawmaker also appreciated Gov. Abdullahi Sule for his developmental strides across the state and called for its sustenance.

Maiyaki thanked God for protecting his life in the last four years in the legislature.

“I want to thank Almighty God for his protection and guidance in the last four years in the House.

“I also want to thank the people of my constituency for electing me to the House and for giving me the maximum support to succeed,” he added.

Maiyaki said that he has done his best by touching on the lives of his constituents positively through quality representation.

He called on them to continue to remain peaceful and tolerate one another irrespective of their affiliations. (NAN)

